Computer modelling of steel quenching for industrial purpose

Smoljan Božo - Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka, (Croatia)

Industry needs to control and to optimize the process parameters of the steel quenching can be accomplished by considering achievement of desired mechanical properties distribution, achievement of required component shape, by prevention of cracking, minimizing of distortion and realization of desired residual stress distribution.

Thermo-metallurgical approach is applied to complete the numerical model of phenomena of steel quenching. Because of wide range of applicability and ease of use of finite volume method (FVM), this numerical method was suitable to create integrated computer program for simulation of transient temperature field, microstructure transformation sand mechanical properties during quenching of steel components.

The computer model of steel quenching has been applied for simulation of quenching of steel components of complex form. By experimental verification of the computer simulation results it has been found out that phenomena of steel quenching could be successfully simulated by the proposed computer model.

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