Graphite-composite fixtures and grids for vacuum heat treatment

Páter Marcel - Schunk Praha s.r.o. (Czech Republic) - KOMERČNÍ PŘEDNÁŠKA

Composites from carbon fiber reinforced carbon (CFC) expanded to vacuum heat treatment technologies in the past years. Grids are usually produced from CFC plates by water-jet cutting. As a consequence of fibers interruption flexural strength is significantly decreased and loading capacity of the grid decreases as well. Standard CFC fixtures are usually produced as single-purpose, what is technological and economical disadvantage. Schunk developed and patented universal modular system from graphite composite, which can be re-designed and re-assembled according to process needs. Furthermore, grids are produced by special technology, which does not affect strength and load capacity. New fixturing system Schunk UniGrid will be presented and compared to standard CFC fixtures.

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