Preparation intermetallic Fe-Al by mechanical alloying and reactive sintering

Valalik Milan - VŠCHT Praha - FCHT (Czech Republic)

Co-authors: Pavel Novák, Dalibor Vojtěch

Fe-Al intermetallic phases appear to be a suitable material for industrial use at high temperatures. Due to their characteristic properties, such as high melting point, low toughness at room temperatures and inconvenient casting properties, is required exploring another possibilities for their production. Promising alternative in the production of these phases is the technology of powder metallurgy. Recently, the possibility of preparation of these materials from powder iron and aluminium by reactive sintering technology was studied. Another way of preparation seems to be the method of mechanical alloying and subsequent compaction by SPS (Spark Plasma Sintering). The aim of this study was to describe the mechanism of intermetallic Fe-Al during mechanical alloying and optimization of the process parameters. The mechanism of the formation of Fe-Al phases during mechanical alloying was compared with reactive sintering in this system.

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