Preparation of intermetallic phases in Fe-Al-Si and Ti-Al-Si systems by mechanical alloying

Vystrčil Jiří - VŠCHT Praha (Czech Republic)

Co-authors: Pavel Novák, Alena Michalcová

Alloys based on the intermetallic phases are presently considered to be very promising materials for demanding technological applications in a wide range of industries. The biggest disadvantage of intermetallics is their low toughness at room temperature. One of the way how to increase their plasticity and eliminate susceptibility to low temperature brittleness is preparing intermetallic phases with ultrafine grain structure. The paper describes the preparation of ultra-fine grained alloys based on intermetallic phases by mechanical alloying and subsequent compaction by the “Spark Plasma Sintering” (SPS). Influence of the individual alloy components on the preparation and mechanical properties of intermetallics alloys were studied. The basic mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures, resistance to high temperature oxidation and thermal stability of alloys were measured.

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