Process technology and plant design for bainite hardening

Altena Herwig - AICHELIN Holding G.m.b.H (Germany)

Bainite hardening or austempering is a commonly used process especially in the bearing industry. In the last years an increased interest in austempering processes for different applications can be found.

The first part of the presentation deals with the metallurgical requirements, the process technologies and the materials which can be used for an austempering process. Furthermore the advantages, but also the restrictions of the process are pointed out. Depending on the requirements, batch type furnaces or contiouos plants can be used. The furnace design with regard to salt bath quenching and the most important factors influencing the parts‘ quality are explained.

In the second part three practical applications of bainite hardening, the processes and the required furnace technologies are shown with regard to the specific heat treatment demands of the austempering products.

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