Properties and structure of oxide layers on thin layer of titanium alloy

Krčil Jan - ČVUT Praha (Czech Republic)

Co-authors: J.Sobotová  This present work discusses issues of growth and characterization of thin oxide layer formed on the surface of titanium-niobium alloy. Oxide layer on the surface of titanium alloys is bearer of strong corrosion resistance and also of bio-compatibility, for the use in medical appliances. Although this oxide layer is the result of spontaneous process of passivisation, for the practical usage there is need to support the growth of oxides. In this work the oxide layer was formed on the PVD coating from Ti39Nb alloy which was sputtered on three different base materials: CP Ti grade 2, stainless steel 316LVM and titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V ELI. Creation of the oxide layer was realized by the process of thermal oxidation at temperature of 600 °C and for three different oxidation periods: 1 hour, 4 hours and 8 hours. After the oxidation process the influence of oxidation characteristics and base materials on the thickness and properties of oxide layer was studied. There was observed change of color and change of roughness on the surface, microscopically there was studied surface of the oxide layer and the thickness of oxide layers was measured. 

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