Thermal stability of Al-Fe based alloys produced from secondary materials

Kříž Jan - VŠCHT Praha - FCHT (Czech Republic)

Co-authors: P. Novák, A. Michalcová

Aluminium alloys have many desirable properties, such as low density, good specific strength or electric and thermal conductivity. However, the problem of common aluminium alloys is their poor thermal stability. According to previously published works, thermal stabiltiy can be increased by adding some transition metals, such as iron, chromium or nickel. These metals can be often found as undesirable contaminants in aluminium scrap. In this work, the alloys prepared from aluminium and cast iron or stainless steel, simulating high- iron aluminium scrap. Materials were processed by powder metallurgy of rapidly solidified particles. Results showed, that these alloy exhibit excellent thermal stability.

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