Innovative induction hardening polymer

Španěl Jan - Houghton CZ s.r.o. (Czech Republic)

Induction hardening is one of the common heat treatment process. Steel parts often require selective heat-treatment of the specific area to increase the wear properties and to improve resistance to located deformation. Induction heating can achieve these results very quickly and economically. It is a highly versatile technique for heat treatment of ferrous metal parts, giving the output efficiently and reproducibly. Complex and innovative parts, automatisation and very quick production process mainly in automotive industrial it is something what we see in modern induction hardening. The cooling medium is an important factor in the induction hardening process. To exceed our customer’s expectations of reducing process costs, Quaker Houghton has developed an innovative induction hardening polymer. Its main advantages are extended service life time, low consumption and optimal cooling properties. This paper presents a general benefits of this innovative product

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