Use of low-energy waste heat in heat treatment of metals

Vráblík Filip - ATZK, z.s. (Czech Republic)

In the past period, the vast majority of the heat treatment shops, corporate or job shop, were affected by the price instability of energy sources, electricity or natural gas, and the increase in the price of raw materials that depend significantly on energy inputs. Taking into account the fact that energy represents up to 40% of the total costs of heat treatment (depending on the complexity of the processes), it affected a number of hardening shops and brought them to the limit of profitability. The proportion of energy costs has increased against analysis carried out before the energy crisis, as energy costs have increased more than other operating cost.

The above-mentioned facts, together with the increasingly obvious need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, have led to considerations about energy savings at all levels of heat treatment management. The Association for Heat Treatment of Metals has decided to establish cooperation with CVUT UCEEB – Center for Energy Efficient Buildings to inspire the management of hardening shops in a new innovative solutions.

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