Diskuse o technologii na úsporu energie a snižování emisí u zařízení pro tepelné zpracování

Buchner Klaus - Aichelin Holding GmbH (Austria)

Although many topics seem to have pushed the issue of global warming into the background, it remains the central challenge of our time. Therefore, energy efficiency measures as well as emission reduction have become a top priority for large energy consuming industrial sectors like the field of industrial furnaces. The change in the European energy police has important significance for the industry in terms of reducing CO2 emissions.
Based on these challenges, this paper highlights potential savings, which can be practically implemented today, as well as forward-looking solutions. From the point of view of CO2 emissions, electric heating systems are compared with natural gas burner systems. Focusing on the exhaust gas losses the burner technology itself, but also alternative energy sources like H2 are discussed in detail; in parallel NOx emissions have to be taken into account. Furthermore, secondary energy saving measures like heat extraction were taken into consideration and incorporated into the evaluation. With respect to maintenance issues the aspect of improving thermal insulation of heat treatment furnaces is analyzed under economic aspects as well.

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